Washington Alcohol RETEST Exam

Washington Alcohol RETEST Exam


Product: Washington Alcohol Retest Exam powered by ServSafe Alcohol®
Exam Type: Exam Answer Sheet
Quantity: Single Answer Sheet
Product Sku: SSAWARE

This is a retest option for participants who scored less than 80% on the Washington Alcohol Server Online Course and Exam.

If you have not taken the Washington Alcohol Server Online course and you purchase this exam your MAST Class 12 or 13 Permit will be voided.

Participants can use the ServSafe Alcohol Workbook to review key concepts from the online course. These supplementary materials, downloads or notes are not allowed during the exam. Upon purchase, participants will receive an Exam Access Code. The participant may begin the exam by entering his/her Exam Access Code.

All purchases online purchases are final. Before purchasing, review technical requirements and please read all information below. Once the course is started, the participant must stay logged in. The participant will be automatically logged out of the exam if the computer is idle for more than 20 minutes. At this time a new retest will need to be purchased.