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Disclaimer: Exam proctors must be physically present in the room during exam administration. Remote-proctoring is not a valid means of taking the ServSafe Exam.

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NOTE: ServSafe Food Safety print exams are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French Canadian and Large Print. ServSafe online exams are available in English, Spanish and Chinese. ServSafe Alcohol Online and Proctored Exams are available in English Only. ServSafe Alcohol Primary Exams are available in English and Spanish.

The Instructors/Proctors listed on are not employees, agents, contractors or representatives of NRA Solutions or any NRA Solutions' affiliated entities. Listing them or their Web site listings on the NRA Solutions' Web site is done as a courtesy and as a possible resource to the reader, and not as any endorsement by nor any legal responsibility for their work or actions by NRA Solutions.

Please note that these individuals are not authorized to sell, advertise, and/or teach National Restaurant Association Solutions courses (i.e., ServSafe) nor administrate/proctor any National Restaurant Association Solutions exams. Please notify us immediately at (888) 291-6462 if you become aware of anyone on this list engaging in these activities.